Angelica, Masterwort, Purple Angelica, Alexanders, Archangel.
Angelica, Angelica de los campos
Angelica archangelica, Angelica genuflexa
wacaskowiykomawask (Cree, Rat smell root)
Physical Description
Angelica atropurpurea is perennial and grows in fields and damp places, developing greenish-white flowers from May to August. The plant has a peculiar but not unpleasant odour, and a sweet taste.
(Indian Herbalogy of North America)
(Indian Herbalogy of North America)
Uses & Preparation
Medicinal Parts: Root, herb and seed. Since ancient times Russian people have used Angelica roots, leaves and seeds in tea form for nervous exhaustion, epilepsy, hysteria, as a sedative, for poor digestion, appetizer, stomach and gas bloating, indigestion, heartburn, atony of the intestines, and as a diaphoretic and expectorant. Angelica is used today to relieve postmenopausal symptoms, gynecological disorders, and menstrual discomfort. All parts of Angelica can be eaten, but the roots are usually used in folk medicine; they make a good poulice, linament, or a powerful herb tea.
(Indian Herbalogy of North America)
(Indian Herbalogy of North America)
Angelica genuflexa roots are used in combinations for cancer, sugar diabetes, high blood pressure, snd headaches. White Angelica leaves can be dried and added to barley soups. Seeds can be collected and dried, added to potpourri as a fixative, In some traditions, eating the plant is believed to prevent one from being smelled by bears. The root is a bear medicine due to its brown furry oily and pungent nature. The root is warm, pungent, aromatic, toning., helps increase circulation to the extremities.
(A Cree Healer and His medicine Bundle)
(A Cree Healer and His medicine Bundle)
Usos y preparación
Angelica Archangelica muy bueno para fortificar el estómago. En gases, flatulencia, digestiones lentas, acidez, trastornos gástricos en general. También es preconizado en las irregularidades menstruales. Tonifica el útero de las jovencitas. Es tónico y aperitivo. En cocimiento (hervir un minuto)20 a 40 grs por litro. En el día dos o tres tazas antes de las principales comidas. Caliente con miel.
(La vuelta a los vegetales)
(La vuelta a los vegetales)
Indian Herbalogy of North America
A Cree Healer and His medicine Bundle
La vuelta a los vegetales